Watch out the floor is a bit wonky here. Also there are 5 waffles to collect total good luck!

Uploaded Jul 21st at 8:53am
Plays: 155 · Finishes: 1
0.65% Completion Rate
First Clear: musicman
World Record: 01:48.851 by musicman

In this level if you jump you lose what a fun gimmick

Uploaded Jul 11th at 7:08pm
Plays: 100 · Finishes: 1
1.00% Completion Rate
First Clear: DuckRocky
World Record: 01:04.930 by DuckRocky

Steal a pair of the latest, coolest, freshest, glorious double jump shoes from the nearby factory. I don't recommend trying to collect any of the 5 waffles until you have them. Good Luck!

Uploaded Jul 11th at 2:22pm
Plays: 109 · Finishes: 1
0.92% Completion Rate
First Clear: DuckRocky
World Record: 00:03.875 by DuckRocky

Get a basic idea on how to use and apply the new Double Jump Boot item in levels through this 3 checkpoint obstacle course! Bonus points if you get all 4 waffles.

Uploaded Jul 11th at 10:15am
Plays: 44 · Finishes: 3
6.82% Completion Rate
First Clear: DuckRocky
World Record: 01:05.207 by DuckRocky

Spiked floors and falling platforms with the only way to move forward being to crush enemies.

Uploaded May 14th at 12:51pm
Plays: 324 · Finishes: 3
0.93% Completion Rate
First Clear: spark
World Record: 00:45.500 by spark

There at 8 mini levels and at the end of each you will get to choose a reward! see how powerful you can become by the end hopefully this level has a lot of replay ability.

Uploaded May 10th at 7:54am
Plays: 44 · Finishes: 1
2.27% Completion Rate
First Clear: DuckRocky
World Record: 05:17.290 by DuckRocky

How can you go fast when everything is making you slow? There are 3 waffles total but you can't get multiple in one run good luck!

Uploaded May 5th at 7:15am
Plays: 129 · Finishes: 6
4.65% Completion Rate
First Clear: spark
World Record: 00:25.944 by DuckRocky

Use the Bazzahs as a platform to spin your way to victory over an unforgiving void!

Uploaded May 2nd at 1:40pm
Plays: 105 · Finishes: 1
0.95% Completion Rate
First Clear: spark
World Record: 01:40.688 by spark

Can you survive the unforgiving lava temple? Be prepared to be scorched and some tight platforming.

Uploaded May 1st at 5:10pm
Plays: 150 · Finishes: 3
2.00% Completion Rate
First Clear: spark
World Record: 01:10.569 by spark

Stop the king bazzes form transporting dangerous course parts to new levels by finding the key to the train and powering it off. Bonus challenge: touch the new holy water liquid in the level!

Uploaded Nov 15th at 3:31pm
Plays: 56 · Finishes: 4
7.14% Completion Rate
First Clear: DuckRocky
World Record: 01:15.791 by DuckRocky

Take your sword and battle your way through the death cube. Bonus challenge: I have hidden 5 king bazzes across this kill all of them!

Uploaded Nov 10th at 6:53pm
Plays: 628 · Finishes: 14
2.23% Completion Rate
First Clear: DuckRocky
World Record: 00:25.358 by fowl

There is no safe place to stand you can fall good luck

Uploaded Oct 20th at 12:52pm
Plays: 103 · Finishes: 1
0.97% Completion Rate
First Clear: fowl
World Record: 01:36.250 by fowl
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How To Upload

You must create a user account and log in to upload levels. You're a guest, but you're free to play around with this level builder. The level you're editing is saved to your IP address.

Once you click upload, you then have to beat your level to upload it to the level browser.

How To Upload

First, save the level so it can reload and get level data. Then you may click the Upload button to start trying to upload the level.

How To Play

WASD for direction. W to Look Up, A to Move Left, S to Duck, D to Move Right. Hold J to start Running. Press K to Jump. Press L to do a Spin Jump. Press ; or Spacebar to Attack with a held Weapon.

Controller Support

Tested and works on Google Chrome. Use D-Pad for direction. Hold Y or X to run. Press B to Jump, A or a bumper to Spin Jump, Trigger (ZR or ZL) to attack with a held Weapon. Press Start to Pause.

Music Volume

Sound Effects Volume

Game feeling a bit laggy?

Adjust these options to increase performance.



Background 1 Panning

Background 2 Panning

Weather Particle Effects

Character Shadow

Keyboard Bindings

Click the binding you want to change, then type any key.

You must be signed in to use this.

UpType Any Key
RightType Any Key
DownType Any Key
LeftType Any Key
RunType Any Key
JumpType Any Key
Special (Spin)Type Any Key
AttackType Any Key
UtilityType Any Key
PauseType Any Key
Restart LevelType Any Key
Edit LevelType Any Key