#teamshell (real)

Uploaded Feb 17th at 1:49am
Plays: 534 · Finishes: 94
17.60% Completion Rate
First Clear: grumpman
World Record: 00:18.016 by grumpman

You need some love and motivation, but EVERYTHING is hurting you. Collect some hope before you are completely beat down on life.

Uploaded Oct 12th at 10:51pm
Plays: 551 · Finishes: 46
8.35% Completion Rate
First Clear: spark
World Record: 00:13.566 by grumpman

New Feature: Play this level to test out wall jumping!

Uploaded Oct 1st at 11:13pm
Plays: 425 · Finishes: 152
35.76% Completion Rate
First Clear: dt
World Record: 00:00.1 by TestingName

Keep your P speed by holding right through the obstacles. First speedrun in SSM?? There's probably cheese but thats alright.

Uploaded Mar 9th at 12:11am
Plays: 275 · Finishes: 19
6.91% Completion Rate
First Clear: grumpman
World Record: 00:39.049 by grumpman

you need to be nyoom speedy speedy to beat this level

Uploaded Nov 12th at 11:57am
Plays: 538 · Finishes: 22
4.09% Completion Rate
First Clear: DuckRocky
World Record: 00:21.161 by DuckRocky

first level, testing game

Uploaded Nov 9th at 9:26pm
Plays: 630 · Finishes: 26
4.13% Completion Rate
First Clear: grumpman
World Record: 00:10.901 by grumpman

Aw gosh! Pollution and global warming have built such a nasty sewer. You have been hired to find a key in the sewer due to somebody dropping it down by accident into a drain! They told you it was round and blue. Fortunately, You know where it could be. It

Uploaded Oct 13th at 11:41pm
Plays: 476 · Finishes: 27
5.67% Completion Rate
First Clear: grumpman
World Record: 00:15.066 by grumpman

wall jumps enabled

Uploaded Nov 11th at 11:43am
Plays: 597 · Finishes: 15
2.51% Completion Rate
First Clear: spark
World Record: 00:19.083 by grumpman

2nd level

Uploaded Nov 10th at 3:34pm
Plays: 1160 · Finishes: 102
8.79% Completion Rate
First Clear: DuckRocky
World Record: 00:10.166 by grumpman

Kaizo key jump fun

Uploaded Nov 8th at 9:51am
Plays: 399 · Finishes: 34
8.52% Completion Rate
First Clear: spark
World Record: 00:02.937 by grumpman

Is it really honey? Honey is not that colour, honey is much more orange. You know what I think it is? Piss.

Uploaded Oct 8th at 6:52am
Plays: 558 · Finishes: 19
3.41% Completion Rate
First Clear: spark
World Record: 00:22.515 by grumpman

In this level if you jump you lose what a fun gimmick

Uploaded Jul 11th at 7:08pm
Plays: 100 · Finishes: 1
1.00% Completion Rate
First Clear: DuckRocky
World Record: 01:04.930 by DuckRocky
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How To Upload

You must create a user account and log in to upload levels. You're a guest, but you're free to play around with this level builder. The level you're editing is saved to your IP address.

Once you click upload, you then have to beat your level to upload it to the level browser.

How To Upload

First, save the level so it can reload and get level data. Then you may click the Upload button to start trying to upload the level.

How To Play

WASD for direction. W to Look Up, A to Move Left, S to Duck, D to Move Right. Hold J to start Running. Press K to Jump. Press L to do a Spin Jump. Press ; or Spacebar to Attack with a held Weapon.

Controller Support

Tested and works on Google Chrome. Use D-Pad for direction. Hold Y or X to run. Press B to Jump, A or a bumper to Spin Jump, Trigger (ZR or ZL) to attack with a held Weapon. Press Start to Pause.

Music Volume

Sound Effects Volume

Game feeling a bit laggy?

Adjust these options to increase performance.



Background 1 Panning

Background 2 Panning

Weather Particle Effects

Character Shadow

Keyboard Bindings

Click the binding you want to change, then type any key.

You must be signed in to use this.

UpType Any Key
RightType Any Key
DownType Any Key
LeftType Any Key
RunType Any Key
JumpType Any Key
Special (Spin)Type Any Key
AttackType Any Key
UtilityType Any Key
PauseType Any Key
Restart LevelType Any Key
Edit LevelType Any Key